Thursday, June 30, 2011


Hi everyone.  This is Jack Vining writing to say thanks for letting me join the JSA community.  I'll be doing what I can to support the website and help with any math needs that might come up.  I'm a math grad student about to start teaching Calc for life sciences for the second summer session.

I was asked to write a quick bio so I'll do that now:
Started studying Japanese when I was a senior in high school(learned a little vocab and hiragana)
I college(at RIT) I took 2 and a half years of formal classes to earn a minor.
Currently I try to expand my vocab whenever I can(try to inch through light novels and exclusively play games in Japanese)

I'm really looking forward to another year of strengthening my vocabulary so if I look confused I'm happy because that means I'm learning.  :-)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011



だから趣味悪いとか思わないでください<(_ _)>

あとBloggerへの絵文字のアップの仕方がわかったんやけど、何かHTMLをeditしてほしいとか言われて、怖いから止めました笑 もっと簡単な操作にしてほしいなぁ。。。


have a good day/night :)))

Monday, June 20, 2011

Sharing a letter from the Consulate General of Japan

Hello everyone! This is Kimagure Dori- =)
The JSA would like to share a letter that we got from the Consulate General of Japan about Japan Earthquake Relief. It will also be posted on our website later. Thank you for your help again.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Thank you!

Hi all,

How are you doing today? Hope everyone is having an amazing summer!
Here in Syracuse has been over 90 about a few times so far. It’s very nice to walk outside and you can't really imagine how much snow we had a few months ago! 

Today I have some announcement to make. I would like to thank you all for helping to make our Japan Earthquake Relief a worthwhile one. Thanks for your thoughtful insights in our meeting, your commitment to your voluntary work and your willingness to help us improve our fundraising project. As of June 8th, the JSA has collected over $8950 in total. Details will be made available on our website later. The JSA will make every effort to help the quake victims next semester as well. Please continue to keep Japan in your prayers.

In order to end our fundraising campaign last semester (Spring 2011), the JSA gave students and guests the hand-made budges with $3 or more contributions on May 13th and 14th at the Schine bookstore.

The purpose of this project was not to make people’s memory of the earthquake begin to fade. It also aimed to speak not only to SU students but also to guests for the commencement. At the same time, we didn't want to make people feel sorry for Japan on their one of the best days in their life so we made the budges that remind them of SU (two SU budges). One more budge with a red heart was made to be associated with the Japanese flag. These are all our amazing officer's idea :) I'm always taken aback at her work!!
Even though it was a middle of hectic schedule for everyone due to the end of the academic year, our JSA members and officers helped each other make the budges and provided them on those days. More than 100 budges were taken over to someone who would be able to realize Japan earthquake even 2 months after the disaster. We still have some budges so let us know if you wanna some:) We're more than welcome to share them with you!!
Also, our officer made an poster of it. Don't you think it's awesome too?

Have a great weekend!
Kimagure Dori :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011



久しぶりの更新になってしまいましたね。ちょっとバタバタしてました<(_ _)>
あとGoogle Blogからの初更新です★今まではSeesaaを使ってましたが、便利性を追求しまして、Googleにお引っ越ししました。
ですので、これからはこっちをチェックしてください!よろしくお願いします<(_ _)>

あっ、今までのなぜか3つあったJSAのブログは、今年の9月までにここのGoogle Blogに、JSAの名誉会長によって、総括される予定です★


JSA Syracuse Blog★

あと、JSAの前団体のSUNYA (Syracuse University Nihon Youth Association/シラキュース大学日本青年会) のブログ「SUNYAな日々」っていうのもあるんですが、なぜかそのページにどうやっていくのかがわかりません笑 

今度からはカラフルになるように写真とかもアップしますね。I hope I know how to upload picsですけども笑 should be fineってな感じですー。

ではでは、have a great night =)